This year the bicycle season started with a long delay. The weather in the first weeks of spring did not encourage cycling escapades. Low temperatures, rains and strong winds discouraged people from buying a bicycle. Now, however, it is getting warmer and warmer outside the window, and in the sports equipment shops there is an increased interest in buying a bicycle. However, there are still the same dilemmas – how much money to spend on equipment and how to protect it against theft.
– It's quite natural fears, because probably each of us in our close environment met with a case of bike theft or somewhere heard about it. The risk of theft is also a frequent argument when we do not want or cannot spend more money on purchasing a bike – explains Mariusz Rosa, Director of Business Development and Innovation Division at LINK4.
– According to police statistics, there are about 20 thousand cases of bicycle theft reported in Poland every year. Insurance, which we add to our installment loan, is a response to the needs of customers – says Tomasz Kamiński, Director of the Department of Sales and Relations with Partners at Credit Agricole bank.
Anyone who finances the purchase of a bicycle with a installment loan from Credit Agricole bank can additionally obtain insurance of their equipment at LINK4 for the whole year, without any additional charges. The offer applies to every bicycle purchased on installments, regardless of its price.
The insurance cover covers the loss of a bicycle due to a burglary in a detached house, a utility building, a flat or an affiliated room. The benefit will also be paid in case of robbery, as well as ordinary theft, provided that the bicycle was secured with a chain, steel cord or shackle padlock. Each motorcycle is insured up to the amount equal to its value on the day of purchase.
– Our offer stands out in the market above all due to its insurance coverage, because the policy will also work in case of theft of a bicycle in the street, e.g. from a parking lot in front of the house or office. An additional advantage is that the customer does not have to do anything. It's enough for him to buy a bicycle on installments in a bank and we'll take care of the rest," says Kaminski.
In case of theft, LINK4 will pay a benefit equal to the value of the bike at the time of purchase. The customer should immediately report the theft to the police and within seven days from the event report the damage to the insurer. The offer is available from the majority of the Credit Agricole bank's instalment partners.
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Jeśli wyłączysz to ciasteczko, nie będziemy mogli zapisać twoich preferencji. Oznacza to, że za każdym razem, gdy odwiedzasz tę stronę, musisz ponownie włączyć lub wyłączyć ciasteczka.